It Holds Up

It Holds Up: Foxing – ‘Dealer’

It Holds Up The Alt Editing Staff October 30, 2020

Released in 2015, Foxing's Dealer is marked by zeal and vigor, which is noticeable in the variety of instrumentals they incorporate as well as the effort they put into not relying on cliches or anything trite in their songwriting. In this, Bineet reflects on what makes the album so special.

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It Holds Up: Basement – ‘Colourmeinkindness’

It Holds Up admin October 29, 2020

On October 23, 2012, one of the most highly regarded prospects of the UK pop-punk scene, Basement, released Colourmeinkindness. Despite the band's surprising hiatus, the record cemented Basement's status as a foundational band to that current wave of grungey emo. Now, over 8 years later, Colourmeinkindess still holds up.

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