5 Pop Punk Songs You Should Hear

Music Ryan Manns January 29, 2017

Love it or hate it, Pop-Punk is often nostalgic. For many people it was some of the first rock music they started following, and if you’re anything like me, you're still in love with it, for better or for worse. Check out these 5 pop punk tracks from the last few years you might've been missing out on.

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5 Songs To Listen To:

Music Ryan Manns July 29, 2016

Stale music is a lot like stale fast food, its exactly the same as it was a week ago, and that’s kinda why you don’t want it anymore. Don’t worry though I’m here to help you find something new that you just might like, music though, not fast food. I’ll save that for another article. Here are 5 tracks you should give a listen:

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5 Bands For Your Party Playlist

Music Ryan Manns July 7, 2016

Have you run out of music to play at parties? Are you sick and tired of hearing the same Drake track over and over because you have no idea what else to play? Let us help you out with some party appropriate indie music, that won't bore your friends or bring down the mood.

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Blink 182 – ‘California’ Review

Music Ryan Manns July 6, 2016

Blink-182 has seen some ups and downs over the last decade plus of their history, including a few hiatuses, a break-up, a reformation, and now the replacement of front man Tom Delonge with Alkaline Trio’s Matt Skiba. Whether loved or hated, there’s no denying that this would be a dramatic statement piece of an album. So what did this new Blink-182 have to say?

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