Split Premiere: Dandelion Hunter / Fresh Tar – ‘The Twin Tape’
Premiering the Split from Dandelion Hunter & Fresh Tar!
Read MorePremiering the Split from Dandelion Hunter & Fresh Tar!
Read MoreHovvdy has finally released their full length debut album, Taster and it’s exactly what we’ve been hoping for. This album dives into the relateable subjects of relationships, confusion and regret while keeping defining characteristics.
Read MoreRiley Savage interviews the songwriter of Memphis alt/emo band Pillow Talk. Josh Cannon talks their new record, diverse musical influences, and One Direction.
Read MoreNever did Dean’s sound and message feel so inherent and unaffected as it does on Secret Space’s debut LP, The Window Room.
Read MoreThe emotional palette of Tired Of Tomorrow zones in on are vivid contradictions between the doleful real-life experiences Palermo draws from and the bright hues he forges from them — and sometimes vice versa.
Read MoreIn digging through Paper Wings, I found that the shiniest treasure lies in the details.
Read MoreEquipment's newest single, “Commuter,” keenly takes on a nuanced little bummer: living at home during college. An otherwise pedestrian and relateble problem presents additional issues in the social media age.
Read MoreJasolka sticks to a theme of feeling inadequate in relationships; from the toxic back-and-forth, giving up, and the self-doubt that comes with letting someone new in once the dust has settled.
Read MoreThe ever so eloquent Riley tackles a few of his favorite albums to be released thus far. Including: Anderson Paak, Porches, Florist, The Wind & The Sea, and Keep.
Read MoreIs The Is Are is a beautifully honest piece of high-stakes art that helps us see DIIV the way DIIV sees DIIV.
Read MoreOutside is a decidedly Midwestern band; their wiry guitars and despondent-yet-agressive vocal delivery conjure up images of snow-clad streets of Southeast Michigan.
Read MoreFluffer, a dance-pop-trio from Cincinatti, are premiering their newest song & video "Monolith" right here!
Read MoreRapidfire Reviews: 11/12/15 by Riley featuring Grimes, Beach Slang, Modern Baseball, Tim Korenich and Ricky Eat Acid
Read MoreDealer is filled with songs that are so personal and moving, that they couldn’t really be anybody but Foxing.
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