Equipment – “Commuter” Single Review
Posted: by Riley
Although “Bummer Rock” could easily be used as a blanket descriptor for 80% of the bands we cover here, it’s usually short for “sounds like Weezer.” That is not untrue of 19-year-old Nick Stoup’s new rock project Equipment; however, the “Bummer Rock” genre tag is more than just a Pinkerton shout-out for Nick. First, he’s from Toledo, which to most seems like the city equivalent of a bummer. Lucky for him (and for you), America’s 8th most miserable city ( is now the stage for a Philly-sized indie rock scene that is anything but. The burgeoning culture in the city has developed and been home to bands like Citizen, Secret Space, The Flats, Jacob Sigman, Good Personalities, Tim Korenich, and more. What’s more exciting is the solidarity and collaborative spirit of the scene. All of these musicians have their hands in each other’s projects, lending their specific expertise and helping each one reach its full potential. The latest of these is Equipment, whose new single is produced by Steve Warstler of Secret Space.
Which brings us back around to this word “bummer.” Stoup’s newest single, “Commuter,” keenly takes on a nuanced little bummer: living at home during college. An otherwise pedestrian and relatable problem presents additional issues in the social media age; Stoup idealizes the college experience, and misses his girl. From this contemplative state, he extracts profundity and finds himself offering the memorable, screen-gazing “all my friends are happier than i’ve ever seen with all these people i don’t know.” It’s a moment we’ve all experienced, but Stoup manages to mold this feeling into a concise and sharp indie-rock song – one that feels like the quintessential college commuter anthem, even if we didn’t know we needed one. So, reach out to your friends who stayed home for college; send ‘em this song, because that situation can be quite a bummer. Listen to “Commuter” above and catch Equipment playing shows in the Toledo area, including Frankie’s tomorrow night with Good Personalities.