Video Premiere: Scarves — “Arrow”

Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

Two years ago, Seattle-based rockers Scarves released their sophomore album Dinner Dates for the End of Days, which was very much the state of the world when it was released back in 2018 but even now is the perfect way to describe the complete trainwreck that 2020 has been. On that album, which was written and rehearsed under a cloud of smoke and ash produced from British Columbia forest fires (unfortunately another thing 2020 has been filled with), the band bridges the gap between math rock and punk, sprinkling in infectious melodies and unforgettable hooks at every turn. To celebrate the album’s second anniversary, the band has released a music video for album highlight “Arrow,” which we’re premiering below.

Animated by Sarah Ver Hoeve, the video is a psychedelic daydream that is every bit as hypnotic and chaotic as the band themselves. About the song, vocalist Niko Stathakopoulos said “”Arrow” is one of my favorite songs from Dinner Dates for the End of Days, and I think Sarah’s video really captures the emotionality of it. The track itself is probably the band at its most raw and wild, and when I first saw her proofs for the video I was blown away. Her artwork is so visceral and gorgeous, and it is a really incredible honor to see something so beautiful scored by something we made.” It’s the perfect send off for Dinner Dates for the End of Days and I’m super excited to check out whatever the band does next.

Dinner Dates for the End of Days is out now via Good Eye Records


Michael Brooks // @nomichaelbrooks 

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