Transatlantic Trawler: Volume 2

Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

Llacuna (Catalunya, Spain)

Llacuna put their own spin on noodly emo on their latest record, Incendis, while borrowing enough from the Kinsella School of Twinkling to make their influences known. Singing in their native Catalan, they cover the same topics you’ll find in Anglophone emo: yearning, longing, heartbreak—you know the deal. It’s all so inherently familiar and comfortable and rad while also being super triumphant, helped by the addition of trumpet, so you know it’s that goooood emo shit.

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Lingua Nada (Leipzig, Germany)

One of the most bonkers live bands you could hope to see, the stage a sea of guitar pedals and cables, Lingua Nada dance their way through a beautiful and chaotic choreography. Their brand of pysch-inspired math rock, mixed with a ton of electronics and weird shit, was perfected on last year’s Djinn, and earlier this year they released a live session of album closer “Taxiheim.” Super weird and even more wacky, Lingua Nada take you on a total trip that’ll leave you changed on the other side. Nothing will ever be the same. Join us.

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Boneflower (Madrid, Spain)

Explosive post-hardcore with plenty of post-rock and screamo influences, Armour is the latest record from Boneflower. It’s crushing right from the start, walls of guitar met with pounding bass and drums. It’s the perfect soundtrack for driving through the mountains or scaling a hill or like, shit, I dunno, sitting in your room with your headphones on and letting the void creep in. Out on three incredible screamo labels (Dog Knights, Zegema Beach, and The Braves Records), it’s one for the heads who like their anguish soaring rather than frantic.

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Yawners (Madrid, Spain)

Excelling in bright and catchy power-pop, Yawners will be right at home for fans of having a plain ol’ good time, Diet Cig, The Promise Ring, and Weezer. With a splash of emo and a pinch of pop punk, last year’s Just Calm Down is the perfect record to put on during a summer stroll through your city as the sun goes down, Elena Nieto’s perfectly crafted pop songs just the thing to lift your spirits. If you have time to listen to just one track, make it “La Escalera”, the only Spanish language track on the record and the total highlight. It rips.

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La Petite Mort / Little Death (Rodgau, Germany)

Another truly mind-blowing band from Germany, La Petite Mort / Little Death’s latest album was produced by Adam Lenox Jr. of Lingua Nada. A wild and wonderful record, Disco is frantic and freaky, reminiscent of bands like Blood Brothers, The Fall of Troy, At The Drive-In, and On The Might Of Princes, but truly in a world of its own. Recorded in the summer of 2018 during a heatwave, they tracked most of it live and in the middle of the night to try and find some respite from the scorching studio; there’s a franticness to it, an energy that feels like losing your mind from heat exhaustion. Seriously thrilling and deliriously fucking cool live, La Petite Mort / Little Death are doing this shit in a way that no one else is.

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Conor Mackie // @mackieconor

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