Track Premiere: Trü—’Growing Pains’
Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

Photo by: Rob Scheuerman
In many circles, the word “tru” has become the default millennial response to statements that’re undeniable, specifically ones that are hard to swallow.
Them: “Depression hittin’ hard right now.”
You: “truuu.”
The NJ band Trü, who play a conglomerate of melodic emo and crunchy indie rock, are members of one such circle (2010’s DIY rock music) and their music is adjacent to that culture that uses oversharing as therapy. On the title track from their upcoming sophomore EP Growing Pains, the band offers a hook that could fittingly contain ad-libbed “truuu’s” in between each line. “I hang my weakness in the gallery / I paint my secrets on the wall.”
Musically, there’s a bit of Floral Green-era Title Fight by way of Rozwell Kid going on here. Chunky guitar riffs that swell during the thick, harmony-laden chorus and a low-key stinger of a bassline. It’s a jam.
Stream it below:
Growing Pains is out via Sniffling Indie Kids on 6/22.
Eli Enis | @eli_enis
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