Track Premiere: Curtail – “Smile”

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Today we’re premiering one of the first tracks from a new Akron Ohio supergroup, Curtail, which features members of a ton of sweet Midwest bands (Jesse Sloan of Cherry Cola Champions, Ben Hendricks of Annabel, Eric Sandt of The Ground is Lava / Heavenly Creatures, and Dan Corby of Bethesda). They’ve come together to form their new project, and their debut record, All Your Luck, will be out on May 25th on Skeletal Lightning. They have a sound that’s in the same indie/punk vein as all of their past bands, but Curtail brings a unique energy, and their combination of skills and experience has made for a well written album and an exciting new band.
Here is a word from the songwriter about the track “‘Smile’ to me would be one of those, ‘Get a hold of yourself’ type of tracks where you hope the person in the song realizes they’re slipping and that they need to pull themselves out of the rut, but whether or not it’s possible is a whole other problem. I wrote it in response to feeling shitty/sorry for myself after some big life jolts a few years ago and really as constructive criticism except it came out as more of a narrative of the journey down that type of spiral. Some people get out of it and some don’t.”
Take a listen to “Smile” below, and if you like what you hear, consider preordering the record now.

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Henderson // @HendoSlice

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