The Smallternative: 10 Small Reviews for June

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Small Albums is our friendly neighborhood “Ant on Helium writing Music Reviews.” Look all we know is, they have great taste and write fun insightful reviews in a single line. So of course we brought them in to do a column on our site called The Smallternative where they can do what they do best, recommend music.

Below are 10 new reviews of some incredible recent releases in Small Album’s minimalist style. Enjoy.

Hot Mulligan – I Won’t Reach Out To You EP

A freshly sharpened pencil to scratch on the wall how many days you’ve been locked in this gray room.

Pronoun – OMG I MADE IT EP

The print on the t-shirt is orange and neon green, and it’s a perfect image, but the colors next to each other are hard to look at.

Esther Rose – How Many Times

There’s a wooden table on the back porch with plastic bowls full of dinner dishes, but no one ever shows up to eat with the man sitting there.

Parting – Unmake Me

A blue bucket of water spilling over the sides as it’s carried down a path shaded by pale green leaves in thick trees.

John Myrtle – Myrtle Soup

Sitting in your Father’s old recliner, which is covered in a nice brown material, the lamp is on and you’re looking out the window at beautiful scenery above the TV that’s been droning on for hours.

Azure Ray – Remedy

It’s raining in the desert for the first time in years, and out in the distance you can see the sail of a boat cutting through the pale of the warming sky.

Max Bloom – Pedestrian

There are green laser pointers and car headlights all moving around inside of the thick cloud.

Cola Boyy – Prosthetic Boombox

A bright floor of squares that are red, blue, green and yellow unfolding into a pathway that leads to a city all made of yellow jade.

Country Westerns – Country Westerns EP

The bag of red lozenges accidentally slipped into the river and they’re dissolving and meandering to the lake.

Cheekface – Emphatically No.

A control panel from an outdated nuclear facility with blinking buttons is sitting in a wheelbarrow in a random backyard in a sleet storm.


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