The Best of February 2020 & Monthly Staff Playlist

Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

Art by Julia Carbone

Palomino Blond’s “Damage” is a pummelling, gripping track about the irreversibility of emotional turmoil. Gladie’s latest album embodies the steadiness of indie acts like Snail Mail, but fused with the gauziness and sweetness of dream pop. Sweet Pill’s “Best of Me” would fit in well with other emo groups like Charmer and Tiger’s Jaw. It’s an incredibly introspective song, detailing the sobering process of taking a closer look at what lies in the core of your emotions.

Adult Mom’s “Berlin” is crisp and fluttering, with Stevie Knipe’s vocals sounding the cleanest they ever have. A wistful track, it revolves around the agony of caring about someone more than they do about you – and not being sure what caused the incongruence. It’s not the first romantic song to be nostalgic, but it’s interesting in that instead of providing a highlights reel of the highest, most exciting points, it reflects on seemingly mundane memories. Knipe recalls something as ephemeral as sharing a beverage in a hallway. But sometimes, the right person can make the smallest things feel larger than they really are. 

Best Coast shared Always Tomorrow, a balmy indie-rock record. A folksy, Americana twang seeps through at certain points, especially so on “For The First Time” and “Everything Has Changed.” Bethany Cosentino wields her vocal ability excellently, keeping herself anchored for the most part. Growth and progress are recurring themes on this album. This is overtly referenced in track titles “Different Light” and “Everything Has Changed.” In the latter, Cosentino credits her decision to abstain from alcohol for improving her life. At other points, she explains that sobriety isn’t a magic cure-all, and that it’s not necessarily easy, either. On “Rollercoaster,” she said that even without substance abuse, she still has a proclivity for making poor decisions, like being attracted to unambitious men. And sure, she’s more optimistic now, but fear persists regardless. Then, on “Wreckage,” she asks,  “if I’m good now, then why do I feel like a failure almost every day?” It’s an album about how the hardest decisions to make can sometimes be the most important ones – even if they don’t always feel rewarding.

Denzel Curry and Kenny Beats teamed up for Unlocked, a pithy eight track rap project. Compared to Curry’s last release, 2019’s Zuu, this one is backed by swifter beats and more witty lyricism. It’s less narrative and more piquing, with double entendres and plays on words like “x the middleman, no Malcolm.” and “stickin’ to the paper like a thumbtack,” not dissimilar from the clever quips rap heavyweights like Lil Wayne and Childish Gambino popularized.


Written by Bineet Kaur / @hellobineet

Playlist curated by Lindsy Carrasquillo / @lindsy_carr

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