The Alt Weekly Roundup (10/12/20)
Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff
The Alternative Weekly Roundup is a column where our staff plugs a variety of new releases in a concise, streamlined format. Albums, singles, videos, and live sets. Check back each Monday to see what we were jamming the week prior.
Kississippi—”Around Your Room”
Most of the time you’ll find me in jeggings and a band tee, tinted sunblock my only facial adornment. But that’s not going to stop me from claiming Kississippi (Zoe Reynolds) as my style icon. This video showcases her feminine and fun aesthetic in both wardrobe and visual presentation, but this is a “come for the style inspiration, stay for the glittery reminder of what it felt like to be young and drowning in emotion for someone” situation. With glossy vocals, pastel synths, and a dancing drum machine, Kississippi (and co-writer Sarah Tudzin of Illuminati Hotties) has created the perfect pop song to practice wearing colorful eyeshadow to while singing like your heart doesn’t know what it is to be broken.
Jami Fowler | @audiocurio
Oslo, Norway, has been keeping secret one of indie rock’s brightest stars. Tonje Tafjord, who performs as Avind, has been releasing hits for three years, and “Kraftanstrengelse” is yet another one. I don’t need to understand a word of what Tafjord is saying to know she means business.
Zac Djamoos | @gr8whitebison
Cloudtone’s “Fullbreak” is a sinuous, silky number with hushed guitar tones. All of the proceeds for Bandcamp sales of the track will be donated to the Chicago chapter of the Black Lives Matter organization.
Bineet Kaur | @hellobineet
Young Culture—”Hailey Beverly”
Young Culture have never been ashamed to be a pop-rock band, but their latest single is their most unabashedly pop yet. The autotuned earworm “Hailey Beverly 2016” should be all over pop radio, honestly.
Zac Djamoos | @gr8whitebison
The debut LP by Chicago’s Lifeguard is a jittery, angular mess. That’s a compliment, of course. Dive reminds me a bit of Shudder to Think if their whole discography unfolded over the course of one album. It’s the sort of raw post-hardcore we rarely hear in 2020.
Zac Djamoos | @gr8whitebison
Overgrow—”Broken Things”
I dig Overgrow, and “Broken Things” is a good example of why. Dreamy, catchy, and restrained, it’s everything the band does best in four minutes.
Zac Djamoos | @gr8whitebison
The Alternative’s ‘New Music Friday’ playlist
Each week our editor Lindsy Carrasquillo compiles a playlist of songs our staff has been jamming. We’ll post it on Fridays on Twitter and then include it in each edition of the ‘Weekly Roundup’ to make sure you don’t miss all of the great music we’re recommending.
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