Song Premiere: Night Drive – “Cover Your Eyes”

Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

There’s a strong, overarching feeling of doom on Night Drive’s “Cover Your Eyes,” but not the type that leads to an immediate surrender to the autocrats “hiding in plain sight” in today’s eerie pre-apocalyptic world that always seems to be inching toward the loss of that “pre-” in its phrasing. Instead, “Cover Your Eyes” feels like fighting back, with the underlying driving beat countering the synths that provide the ever-present doomsday feeling. 

On the track, which appears on the upcoming Position II EP, the group said, “‘Cover Your Eyes’ likens the uncertainty of modern times to an immense disaster unfolding in real time. Like an alarm going off, it pulsates with intense urgency as everything appears to be going off the rails, intently examining how we got here and how to find hope in a world filled with chaos and bad actors. For this particular song, we opted not to use guitars or any “organic” instruments as to reflect the modern techno-dystopia we find ourselves in.”

Position II is out 8/4 via Chicken Ranch Records.

Aaron Eisenreich | @slobboyreject

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