Song Premiere: Ken De Poto – “Why Can’t I Wake Up Next To You”

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A reflective look at where one has been, and specifically how that has shaped the individual. That is the premise of New Jersey’s Ken De Poto record, Bad Man, out September 2nd via Sniffling Indie Kids. Here is a look into the sonic palette that De Poto channeled with an exclusive stream of “Why Can’t I Wake Up Next To You.” The song is layered with multiple instruments, all performed by De Poto. There’s a hint of americana, blues & the traditional rock n’ roll to the song, pulsing to the questions De Poto is raising throughout the song.

The singer had this to say about the track, which can be streamed below. “‘Why Can’t I Wake Up Next To You’ is a song about longing. Longing for something you can’t ever seem to get fully in your grip. Your very own white whale. Kind of like that sandwich that you were really looking forward to eating after a long day at work but someone ate it out of your fridge. I still dream about that sandwich.”