Rapid Fire Reviews: Cam Boucher/Field Medic, Step Brother/moving away from people

Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

Valentine’s Day is often about being together, but I say it’s all about the splits. Luckily for me, four great musical acts decided to come together in the spirit of love—and split up.

cam field medic

Cameron Boucher/Field Medic — Split

Firstly, Cameron Boucher of Sorority Noise and Run For Cover’s new solo powerhouse Field Medic dropped a Valentine’s Day split on Boucher’s label, Flower Girl Records, and it is a lo-fi masterpiece. Field Medic starts off the album with a mellow, full-band track that explores the experience of living with someone you love. It’s a very meta song, as the singer references his stints on tour and how he has nowhere to stay anymore. The song closes out with a refrain that asks you to look to the future, like “everyday’s tomorrow.”His second track is a slower, stripped down song thats’ reminiscent of Fionn Regan’s subtle picking style and melodic lilt. The simplistic accompaniment of the soft guitar lends very well to Field Medic’s gentle voice, as he sings about the ways that he loves another. It’s an easy listen for a romantic night or a moment alone, whether it’s Valentine’s Day or not.

Cam Boucher’s tracks are equally as resonant and beautiful. It shows a side of him we see occasionally in things like Joy, Departed’s “Fuchsia” and the Alone  7”. It’s a vulnerable moment where the singer is detached from his band and takes on a new style. “Of Alaska” is an instant low-key hit.T he second track on his half blends seamlessly from the first, and it all feels like one pleasant ballad. There’s less of the lo-fi, bedroom pop quality of Field Medic’s side, but the ethereal orchestral additions are, although something we’ve come to expect from Boucher, as engrossing as ever. 


step brother moving away

Step-Brother/Moving Away From People — Split

Plymouth, MA based indie label Happy Dog Records also happened to release a Valentine’s split of their own, featuring an acoustic song from both Californian artist Step-Brother and Poughkeepsie, NY artist Moving Away From People (a member of HDR band, No Momentum). Step-Brother’s track, the adoringly titled “Ur an idiot Steve Harrington”, rests on heavy bass notes and conveys much more aggressively passionate emotion than the songs on the Boucher/Medic split. This is less of a love song and more of a lamentation on lost love.

Moving Away From People quells the aggression a bit, but continues that lo-fi feel that faded in from Step-Brother’s song. Light synth melodies dance in and out of the bridges of the song, ending with a short overture of warbling effect that fits the mood well. A standout line like, “We’ll do our best but it might take some time// it’s time I just don’t have,” encapsulates the emotion that this particular split is conveying about love and the message of Valentine’s Day; it isn’t all cards and flowers, sometimes love is rough. 



Luciano Ferrara // @LucianoRFerrara 

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