Video Premiere: Tired Lion – “Where Were You”

Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

Premiering “Where Were You”, the newest track by Tired Lion. The song is led by a foundation of rhythm aspects, including the bellow of a bass and the pursuit of the drums. The vocals tie everything together with the dancing melodies, a sure fire tune with incredible pace. Here’s a bit from the artist about the track:

“It started with a melody I hummed in a grocery store, I think it was Inglewood coles?— I remember humming the tune all the way home because my phone had run out of battery and I really wanted to remember it. I must have looked like a crazy person at the checkout – so vacant constantly humming the opening melody to the song. “where were you when I was growing up”. The tune felt like it was going to be sort of a palate cleanser within the set that would veer away from those ultra heavy-Pumpkins inspired guitar moments on the rest of the album. Think Pavement meets Waaves. The song was fleshed out over time- and I feel the choruses were the most collaborative songwriting wise across the entire record.

The song dances around the idiom ’sweep it up under the rug’, something everyone does. We refuse to acknowledge a situation or withhold important facts to avoid embarrassment and public scrutiny. Due to some pretty crazy circumstances, someone I really cared about couldn’t be there for me when I was younger and for some reason, I felt like I couldn’t talk about it, so I wrote a song.” – Sophie Hopes

Take a listen to the song below, and watch the accompanying music video.

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Sean Gonzalez // @SeanTheCaptain

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