Photography + Review: Denzel Curry and more!

Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

It’s been a while since Denzel Curry came to Boston. The last time we saw the Miami-based rapper was when he opened for Billie Eilish back in 2019. With his return, Denzel brought a loaded lineup of up-and-coming rappers with him as well as a brand new album. “Melt My Eyez See Your Future” is the 2022 release that the tour is named after and has been blowing up the charts as of lately. Every act featured multiple mosh pits, walls of death, and rappers against the barricade with fans screaming along to the lyrics. Check out photos of all acts (Deniro Farrar, Playthatboizay, redveil, AG CLUB, and Denzel Curry) here.



Emily Gardner//@emilyandcolor