Photography + Review: Chelsea Cutler, Adam Melchor, and Rosie

Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

Being an avid concert goer has its share of lulls and disappointments, but every now and then you see a show that reminds you how much you love seeing live music. That artist for us is Chelsea Cutler. We’ve watched Chelsea’s exponential growth the last three years, watching her hard work and dedication pay off. From an opening slot at Firefly Fest in 2019 to a sold out House of Blues stop in 2020, all the way to two sold out nights at Boston’s newest 3500 cap venue, Roadrunner (Editor’s note for our Boston crowd: picture the Sinclair with 3500 people inside, the same welcoming staff, and you’ve got Roadrunner). 

Fans packed in on Saturday and Sunday this past weekend to share the ethereal experience of Chelsea’s 24 song set, loaded with fan favorites that spanned from her Sleeping with Roses EP up to her latest release, When I Close My EyesEvery concert has that moment where you allow yourself to become engulfed in the music with the crowd around you and that moment for us was during “nj” when the house lights were dimmed and all 3500 people sang along. 

Chelsea Cutler is a superstar in the making and with the release of her latest album When I Close My Eyes, we have no doubt she’ll be following a similar path to becoming the next Billie Eilish in taking over the world. No matter how long you’ve been a fan, this tour has been a joy to watch and we hope that everyone gets a chance to experience her introspective set with support from Rosie and Adam Melchor. While her back to back nights in Boston are over, we had our photographer Kyle at night two – check out his photos while you stream When I Close My Eyes below! Tickets for the remaining tour dates can be purchase here.




Kyle Musser//@godvfwine