A Tour of Father/Daughter Records HQ

Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

A little while ago, I saw a tweet from the Father/Daughter records Twitter account that immediately piqued my interest:

a tweet that says "is there a diners, drive ins and dives for record labels? asking for a friend"
I am a die-hard lover of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and its frosted-tipped maestro Guy Fieri, and the concept of a Triple D for record labels was extremely intriguing. Limited by location and budget, could The Alternative fashion a behind-the-scenes record label video tour that might replicate the format of Mr. Fieri enthusiastically observing how the proverbial and also literal sausage gets made?
Well lucky for me, Father/Daughter proprietor Jessi Frick was more than down to do a record label tour for this week’s episode of Get Involved, so now you can see what goes on behind the scenes of the San Francisco-based label that boasts a roster of Alt-fave artists like Proper.Remember Sports and Home Is Where. It’s all run out of Frick’s spare bedroom, so test vinyl pressings share space with Miami merch, sentimental posters, and the errant cat carrier. Watch the video for the full behind-the-scenes experience…and if you have suggestions for Fieri-esque slogans that come anywhere close to Flavortown-level, hit us in the comments. I feel like I didn’t land on anything quite worthy of the Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives catchphrase universe just yet.
Here’s Father/Daughter’s Bandcamp. And here’s our full YouTube channel to subscribe to. As of this writing, we’re closing in on 1,000 subscribers which rules, so get in there and smash that subscribe button for more music video content featuring The Alt’s favorite artists.

Molly O’Brien | @missmollymary

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