EXCLUSIVE: Stream the new Dehd EP “Fire of Love”
Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff
FFO: Surf Curse, Elvis Depressedly, Alex G
Chicago DIY new-wave pop dream of a band Dehd are releasing their upcoming EP Fire of Love tomorrow on Infinity Cat Recordings; and we have your first change to listen! The EP has moments of distorted consuming shoegaze, catchy surf-esq abstract indie, and lofi droning dreamy pop. Guitarist/vocalist Jason Balla (Ne-Hi, Earring) and bassist/vocalist Emilly Kempf (Heavy Dreams, Veil) are a dynamic duo that compliment each other vocally in a way that is indescribably electric. Overall, the EP is one to get lost in. There’s a nonchalant energy underlying it’s entirety that creates a cohesive and mature feel and it’s refreshing to hear. Keep this one in your pocket and classify it as the soundtrack to Spring 2017. Listen below.
Order the tape here .