EXCLUSIVE: Stream the new Dehd EP “Fire of Love”

Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

FFO: Surf Curse, Elvis Depressedly, Alex G

DEHD Promo Pic

Chicago DIY new-wave pop dream of a band Dehd are releasing their upcoming EP Fire of Love tomorrow on Infinity Cat Recordings; and we have your first change to listen! The EP has moments of distorted consuming shoegaze, catchy surf-esq abstract indie, and lofi droning dreamy pop. Guitarist/vocalist Jason Balla (Ne-Hi, Earring) and bassist/vocalist Emilly Kempf (Heavy Dreams, Veil) are a dynamic duo that compliment each other vocally in a way that is indescribably electric. Overall, the EP is one to get lost in. There’s a nonchalant energy underlying it’s entirety that creates a cohesive and mature feel and it’s refreshing to hear. Keep this one in your pocket and classify it as the soundtrack to Spring 2017. Listen below.

Dehd Tapes

Order the tape here 
