AGL Live Session: Logan Green

Posted: by The Alt Editing Staff

Tucson-native and creator of Diet Pop Records, Logan Greene, clocked in the 14th day of his 34-day tour at Sounds from the House, making New Jersey the 45th state he has played in the US. He was equipped with a handful of folky, pop-punk songs that came from his latest album, “Medium Place.” Accompanying Greene on his journey from the southwest was vocalist and violinist, Sophie McTear, bringing extra power to a singer/songwriter and his guitar.

“1000 Melodies,” the second song of their set, is a song about writing a song. “I wished you could have heard it/ the song in my mind,” the duo sang during the hook, paying tribute to the chord structures and harmonies that are never actualized and forever lost in the void of the mind.

Greene and McTear brought the song home with a massive jovial energy, repeatedly yelling “1000 Melodies,” sort of symbolizing the moments songwriters realize they have to let go of the frustration of forgotten melodies. Check out the video of the performance below.

You can download all of this live session along with all our previous sessions for Pay What You Want HERE!

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Video Credits:

Audio Engineers: Ryan Hillsinger and Doug Gallo
Mixing and Mastering: Ryan Hillsinger
Video Editing: Savan Sekhon
Videographers: Savan Sekhon, Anthony “Big Body” Comi, and Ryan Hillsinger
Interview by Deanna DiLandro / @deannadilandro
Post edited by Chris Musser / @ChrisMustard

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