5 Tracks You Should Listen To
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Got that Katy Perry album on repeat again? You need a change. Maybe do something you’ve never done before, like a headstand? Or if that’s a little advanced, you could check out these songs I’ve picked out for you.
Area 11 – “The Contract”
Panic at the Disco meets old Fallout Boy, if you like pop-punk this one’s for you. The push and pull of “The Contract” is a welcome departure from modern pop-punk normalcy, and pay attention to the bass on this track. This is one of those rare tracks where the bass is the real hero.
Last Dinosaurs – “Zoom”
Last Dinosaurs sound like a more fun version of Phoenix. Lightning guitar riffs that build throughout the track keep it interesting and the vocals are catchy, even though I can’t understand them all the time. Give this one a listen if you like a little something extra in your pop-rock.
Tillie – “Pink & Blue”
A little electronica, a little indie pop, “Pink & Blue” is a song that I didn’t know I would be bumping for days on end. Catchy as heck, and track that showcases how good indie pop can be, “Pink & Blue” is one you’re not going to want to miss. Check out the rest of Tillie’s work too if you get the chance, it’s worth it.
GIRLI – “Girl I Met on the Internet”
Obnoxious and uncompromising GIRLI has won my affection with “Girl I Met on the Internet”. Fun lyrics that hit a little too close to home GIRLI remains relateable even while hitting you in the face with some serious bass, a lovely little contradiction that really made me fall in love with this track.
Oh Wonder – “Ultralife”
Reminiscent of Of Monsters and Men, Oh Wonder makes music that is so much meaningful, so much more emotional, and so much better than OMAM best hits. Please listen to “Ultralife” and then do yourself a favor and listen to everything else Oh Wonder does.
Written by Ryan Manns
Hate the things I love? Love the things I hate? Wanna fight me IRL? Drop me a line at manns67@gmail.com or follow me on twitter at either @ryan_the_manns or @UndergroundNB. I also just started a personal blog at ryanthemanns.tumblr.com so check that out!