5 More Songs You Need to Hear (June 2017)
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5 More Songs You Need to Hear
Nothing new on Netflix? Game Of Thrones not out yet? Finished watching Parks and Rec for the 7th time? You need something new in your life. I’ve selected 5 songs that I hope will rouse you from the monotony of consumption that has become the life we all live.
Whoa, what happened at the end there? Anyway here are some songs I think you’ll like.
Dagny – “Let it Rain”
All the way from Norway, Dagny’s Let it Rain is synth driven pop rock is a welcome port of weirdness in a sea of Chainsmoker normality. Take it to the gym, to a party, or sit home alone and listen, Let it Rain is never out of place. The immortal words of Hillary Duff, “Let the rain fall down and wash away my sanity” have never been more true, I am crazy about this song.
MAAN – “Come Around”
Simplicity is the name of the game when you’re listening to MAAN. What Mirrorball music is calling “K-indie” I would just call “The Type Of music There Needs to be More of”. Simple lyrics, but such a fun song, Come Around gives me a happy feeling in my stomach. Take a listen if you need a pick-me-up. Doctors orders.
Tender – “Nadir”
Like if MGMT had soul, Tender knocks it out of the park with Nadir. An eccentric collection of instrumentals, this track expertly manipulates your focus, pulling your attention from place to place for an entire 4 minutes. Looking for just a little dream funk? This is the track for you.
Castlecomer – “Fire Alarm”
Fire Alarm is peppy indie pop that makes you wanna bounce. Energetic and catchy Fire Alarm sounds a lot like it should be the best song on the latest Bad Suns album. With strong roots in pop-indie, it beats me why this song isn’t bigger.
Sylvan Esso – “Radio”
Holy moly I am in love with this song. A catchy tune that builds in intensity, with singable lyrics, all the while making fun of ~Instagram Culture~. Radio does indeed make me a slave to the radio, but only when Sylvan Esso is playing.
– Ryan Manns
Hate the things I love? Love the things I hate? Wanna fight me IRL? Drop me a line at manns67@gmail.com or follow me on twitter at either @ryan_the_manns or @UndergroundNB. I also just started a personal blog at ryanthemanns.tumblr.com so check that out!