Mike Frazier – “Parrot King” Premiere

Posted: by Sean Gonzalez

Hello, my name is Mike Frazier, and I am announcing my candidacy for President of the United States of America. 

The President is the highest ranking official in the United States. I don’t think I need to tell anyone that our nation is at a crisis point. The decisions we make now will impact this nation, and the world it inhabits for the centuries that follow. You can feel it in the air of the Rockies, you can hear it in the music on the airwaves, you can smell it in the fields of Virginia, and you can see it in the eyes of the generations rising to prominence: America will change. It is up to all of us to make it for the better. As the highest ranking official in these United States, I will enact lasting change for our children, their children, and the generations that will follow. 

I have seen these United States for what they are. I have spoken to individuals from every region. I have heard their thoughts, their concerns, and their plans. I will echo them through the halls of this nation’s capital. 

With their voices ringing in my ears, and their images burned into my mind, I begin this campaign. For them, for their loved ones, and for the folks that will follow them. 

If you put one name on your ticket this November, make it Frazier.