Rapid Fire Reviews 4/19
Posted: by Sean Gonzalez
Creeping up quickly is the end of April and yet already it has been a great month of releases. Here are three records from up and coming singer/songwriters who have found new mediums of which to help grow their sound.
Grayling – Everything That Burns
One would never guess from hearing Everything That Burns that the brain child behind the songs is a 19 year old full time college student. The growth and dynamics within Grayling‘s sonic palette are masterful. Helped engineered by Evan Rudenjak, the young Lexi Campion championed a release of five tracks that bend and break with her powerful voice reigning above. The songs range from snappy indie tunes to full distorted crushing crashes of music. “Empath” is the perfect example, featuring a vulnerable singer on the edge of the destructive presence of their mind. As Campion digs more and more into herself the song expands it’s layers and explodes with rich textures of guitars and energetic drum patterns. “Soil” is an ambitious closer, releasing into the atmosphere a group of horns that mesh well with the dissonant blasts of guitar and feedback, showcasing the artistry of Grayling and ending a record that leaves you wanting more and more of it.
Score: 8/10
Delicate Flowers – Happy Accidents
Asserting that there is a level of intimacy in someone’s music always begs the question of how it will be done. Often there are acoustic guitars, usually there is a singer shedding their guard and exposing their heart and if that sounds like your style of music, look no further than Delicate Flowers. Riding a bit of the sound waves of emotionally talented music (like Dashboard Confessional), Happy Accidents is the newest release from the group and one that streamlines them into the world of singer/songwriters. After “Break Me Open” Eric Goldberg’s shell is cracked and the songs become more personal, as if you were watching him fall apart with his guitar in front of you. While not differing to much in song structures or even breaking away from the melodies, Goldberg assaults the senses with unique and touching music and a gifted lyric writing ability, “I buried what I couldn’t pursue, slipped myself inside of you and I called it, oh I called it Vaseline” (from “Vaseline”). The simplicity of Delicate Flowers is effective, making the eight songs fun to listen to and enjoyable. And in reality, isn’t that what music is about? (editor’s note: “Possibilities” is great).
Score: 7/10
Mike Bell & The Movies – Room
Blasting through the speakers with infectious and upbeat punk is Mike Bell & The Movies. The music on Room rolls and roams with pleasuring tunes working through the daily aspects of life with positive atmospheres. Each song is blatantly honest and collectively spilling a stream of conscious flow of lyrics that range from daydreams to small rants of life. It’s a great blend of music that trusts itself, knows itself and works to its advantages. “You’re The Brains Of The Operation” is a fun loving short song romantically skewed to put a smile on one’s face. “Fucked If You Do” has a solemn glimmer in the melody, but the drum work keeps it lively along with the delicate vocal lines. Room is just an explosion of catchy songs.
Score: 6.75/10