Stars Hollow – ‘Mattering’ Song Premiere

Posted: by Sean Gonzalez

Stars Hollow is an emo/math rock band out of Ames, Iowa. They blend light distorted guitars with urgent vocals that spend plenty of time kicking and screaming to be heard. The instruments are dazzling because of their spastic nature. They know how to lighten the pace without losing any of their screamed desperation. “Mattering” is the second song to be released from their debut EP I’m Really Not That Upset About It. The minute and 41 second mark showcases a mature band knowing when to build their dynamics at the most convenient times. It’s an impressive feat for three guys hell bent on making sure every ounce of their sound is bleeding through their instruments. Listening to Stars Hollow is like combining Pianos Become The Teeth, Two Knights and the instrumentation of Ishmael together. I’m Really Not That Upset About It will be released in March through a to be announced record label and I could not be more fucking happy about it. Catch “Mattering” below with a statement about their EP from the band themselves.

I’m Really Not That Upset About It is an EP that we are all really proud of. We started this band because we just wanted to have fun playing songs together while also being able to vent a lot of frustrations about life. We feel like we accomplished exactly what we wanted to and we couldn’t be more excited about our future.