Common Vision Tour Review
Posted: by Sean Gonzalez
The Common Vision Tour is a five band lineup of a few upcoming bands with a few well known bands stretching across America. Headliners Every Time I Die stated that they were excited to join a tour that satisfied multiple musical tastes. The high energy group of hardcore/punk acts hit The Black Sheep in Colorado Springs on August 7th and left the place in shock.

Gatherers and Brigades were the two opening acts. The former is an emotionally driven hardcore act that really shined live. It was cool to be apart of the small crowd that knew their songs, with the melodic music transferring very well from the album onto the stage. The vocal delivery was spot on, albeit the cleans sounding a bit too underwhelming. Brigades combine pop-punk and hardcore, both allowing a bit of anthemic sung choruses with a few pit worthy parts. (I forgot to get a good shot of Gatherers, I apologize).

Jesse from Counterparts
Counterparts took the stage and as soon as ‘The Disconnect’ began playing the entire middle of the venue became a vile and energy releasing pit. Their setlist combined tracks off of their brand new LP Tragedy Will Find Us while keeping a few beloved tracks from The Difference Between Hell And Home to keep the crowd frantic and constantly moving. Real Friends went on next with their singing friendly songs that everyone knew. The crowd was very responsive and I absolutely love how the band sounds live compared to the albums. Live their guitars and overall tone is grittier and more raw, never holding anything back. (Photos for their set were hard for me to get).

Every Time I Die
Every Time I Die is still one of the best bands to see live. Frontman Keith Buckley knows how to divert the crowd into a frenzy of flying bodies and madness while also possessing the tools to swoon their hearts into a chaotic lullaby. The guitarists Jordan, Andy and Mitch (bass) never stay in one place for too long; diving into the crowd, spinning in circles and running around like madmen. The band is full of rockstars, and they never let their energy wither away. Their fan base is also extremely diverse, having men into their forties bringing kids to the show. Everyone was there to have a good time and rush the stage when needed. Their setlist comprised of fan favorites (Wanderlust, The New Black, Ebolarama), mosh frenzies (Floater, The Marvelous Slut) and a few new tracks off From Parts Unknown.

Playing the closing track ‘Moor’
All in all, this tour is a must see for fans of the music community. For more information and to read up on the bands themselves, check out some reviews!