Colleen Green – “I Want To Grow Up” Review
Posted: by Findlay

YES! Female Power-pop is back! 2015 (and inevitably our souls) has been redeemed! Slutever’s new tape is bangin, Girlpool are making waves (sorry mum, sorry dad), Babes in Toyland are back, Sleater-Kinney’s new comeback album fucking rocks and we’re even getting a new Juliana Hatfield Three album. It’s fair to say we’re finally getting blessed with what this 90’s resurgence has been lacking. Female dominance. And by fuck do they do it better than the guys.
Colleen Green’s new album I Want To Grow Up is such a beautiful, sugary treat to be added to this bunch of brilliant artists. From opening eponymous track “I Want To Grow Up” you’re hit with Colleen’s dual harmony vocals sung with this really tired, slacker delivery hung atop some sweet distorted guitars and headbanging drums. Each of these elements snaking their way through the album with a strong confidence, thanks to extra musicianship from members of Diarrhea Planet and JEFF the Brotherhood.
Songs like “TV”, “IWTGU” and “Pay Attention” satisfy that snotty, angsty side you always crave from music like this, whereas “Whatever I Want” provides a little respite from the rest of the albums hectic pace. Thematically, Green’s writing speaks of her looking back at aspects of her life with sarcastic relief, aswell as her youthful restlessness and trying finding herself as she enters her 30’s like in the song(s) “Things That Are Bad For Me” where she’s playing on the fact she should be more responsible as an adult. Her delivery is so brilliant, it feels like this revelation is being brushed off for fun.
The 90’s feel of this album is undeniable but it’s not forcing that to be part of its identity. Its naturally Green’s songwriting and sound as a musician just perfectly reflecting bands you’d imagine Cher from Clueless listening to in her room, being a full-on Monet.
The album does suffer just a wee bit with a couple of songs breaking up the albums flow or sounding out of place. There are also a few forgettable hooks that could’ve done with a bit of beefing up, but you won’t even care because, I mean, who does anyway? Colleen Green is the coolest.